“You either learn your way towards writing your own script in life, or you unwittingly become an actor in someone else’s script.” – John Taylor Gatto
This week I was asked the question, “what are your twelve favorite problems?”
I struggled with this question for a while. It seemed an unnatural way to consider life goals and aspirations. Why not just ask, “what are twelve goals you’d like to achieve over the next ten years?” or something similar? But as I thought about it more, I realized that framing my answers in terms of problems immediately made me think of possible solutions. Goals can seem lofty and unattainable, even when smart, but problems can be solved.
In no particular order, here are the twelve problems that came to my mind.
How can I…
…do more with less?
…create spaces that bring people together?
…”try softer“?
…learn more about film and filmmaking?
…continue to maintain meaningful relationships with my siblings as we go our separate ways?
…reduce the amount of time I spend online and still network effectively?
…automate my money and “be rich“?
…travel more?
… reduce the tension between work and life?
…create a daily routine that works regardless of time and place?
…live in the moment?
…remember and recall more of what I learn?
…be available for, and open to, the spontaneous and unexpected?
This list is personal to me, though I suspect you may have asked a few of these questions too. Either way, I’d love to hear what problems you’re thinking about and working on. Drop me a line!