The Stuff That Pings Me // 11.20.19

This is The Stuff That Pings Me: a curated, ongoing series about the stuff that makes me laugh or cry, makes my heart beat a little faster or takes my breath away. It’s the stuff I read, watch, listen to, and think about. Books, podcasts, films, music, quotes, articles, whatever.

What I’m Pondering

This quote, from Haruki Murakami: “Always remember that to argue, and to win, is to break down the reality of the person you are arguing against. It is painful to lose your reality, so be kind, even if you are right.”

What I’m Reading

My Friend Mr. Rogers, by Tom Junod. 20+ years ago, Tom wrote an article that inspired the new film about Mr. Rogers, “It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” (premiers Friday). In this article, Tom revisits his friendship with Mr. Rogers. I already need a tissue, and the movie hasn’t even come out yet.

What I’m Listening To

Dragons, by Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors. Drew Holcomb will always have a special place in my heart; I was at one of his concerts a few weeks ago when I found out my grandmother had passed away. It’s kind of ironic, because she would have hated his music. But I’m grateful to have a specific experience to peg that memory on—and now, whenever I hear Drew’s music, I think of Grandma.

What I’m (Re)Watching

The Power of Vulnerability, by Brené Brown. Brené is a researcher and storyteller who studies shame, vulnerability, courage, and connection. I try to rewatch this every couple of months.

Find me on Twitter and let me know what pings you.

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