“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”
So wrote one of my heroes, Ron Paul, in the preface to his 2008 book, The Revolution.
Though written in a political context, this statement really applies to all of life. Over the past four years I have begun a serious search for truth. The more I search, the more I understand that the closer I get to truth, the farther away I move from the accepted establishment views on any given subject.
It is with this in mind that I have started this blog: to chronicle my journey into the dangerous realm of truth. This blog won’t fit neatly into a box. I plan to post book reviews; my thoughts on life, family, church, theology, education, culture, communication, leadership, politics, government, and economics; and probably more than a few ramblings on anything that doesn’t fall into one of the above categories. There will be serious pieces, thought-provoking pieces, lighthearted pieces, inspiring pieces, and everything in between.
I aim to tip a few sacred cows, but I don’t claim to have all the answers. I expect my views to change over time as I learn and grow. I fully realize that many of the positions I will take on this blog will not be popular ones. Much of what I will say is sure to invite controversy and debate. So be it. My desire is to find truth, whatever the cost may be. And I don’t mind being called a nut, or crazy, or a traitor in the process.
But I hope you’ll stay a while anyway. Subscribe to my updates, leave a comment and let me know what you think. I’d love to dialogue with you about the ideas I’m exploring. Or, if you prefer, shoot me an email on the Contact page and say hey. I can’t wait to meet you!