The Stuff That Pings Me // 11.27.19

This is The Stuff That Pings Me: a curated, ongoing series about the stuff that makes me laugh or cry, makes my heart beat a little faster or takes my breath away. It’s the stuff I read, watch, listen to, and think about. Books, podcasts, films, music, quotes, articles, whatever.

What I’m Watching

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, directed by Marielle Heller. This is nothing short of a gift to the world—an episode of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood for all the adults who ever watched the show as children. For more, here’s my review.

What I’m Reading

Can You Say…”Hero”? by Tom Junod. The original article that inspired the film. Once upon a time…

What I’m Pondering

“Just take a minute and think about all the people who loved you into being,” Mr. Rogers invites us midway through the movie. It’s a powerful moment and an even more powerful exercise.

What I’m Listening To

The Tallest Man On Earth. I’ve been listening to this artist nonstop since I discovered him a few days ago. Already one of my favorites.

Find me on Twitter and let me know what pings you.

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