He is risen!
I could think of nothing more appropriate to post on this Easter morning than a clip from Dr. S.M. Lockridge’s “That’s My King!” sermon. If you’ve seen it before…enjoy it yet again! If this is your first time…you’re in for a treat!
Each of us is living a story.
Every thought we think, word we speak, and move we make contributes yet another line to the script of our life story.
But have you ever stopped to consider the larger story we were born into? (more…)
In my last post we explored the issue of negative freedom and positive freedom and the conflicts between the two. We concluded that yes, negative freedoms can and should exist without the interference of positive freedoms. (If you missed the post, click hereto read it). As invariably happens in such situations, I opened my Facebook feed yesterday to discover a short video on precisely this topic…just a few hours too late!
Can freedom last forever? Is America doomed to failure, like all other great civilizations of the world? How does the current perception of freedom change the forecast of America’s future?
These are the questions Dr. Os Guinness attempted to answer in a talk aired a few months ago on Ravi Zacharias International Ministry’s weekend radio broadcast – Let My People Think (part 1, part 2). I missed the broadcasts when they aired but listened to them recently at the recommendation of a friend. Dr. Guinness raised a number of provocative questions and made several statements that I thought were worth responding to.
I love to talk.
This will not come as a surprise to anyone who knows me.
As a child, I could – and would – talk for hours. About anything. About everything. Most of the time, however, I didn’t talk about anything truly worth talking about; I often talked just because I liked to talk.
(more…)“…to say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks the determination with which you believe it.”
(more…)“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”
So wrote one of my heroes, Ron Paul, in the preface to his 2008 book, The Revolution.
Though written in a political context, this statement really applies to all of life. Over the past four years I have begun a serious search for truth. The more I search, the more I understand that the closer I get to truth, the farther away I move from the accepted establishment views on any given subject.